
As many of you just know me as a blogger, I thought we'd get to know each other a bit more personally before you read my posts everyday for blogmas. So this is me. 26 answers doesn't sum me up in the slightest, but it's something.

A - Age: 21
B - Biggest Fear: Losing my creativity 
C - Current Time: 18.26pm
D - Drink you last had: Water
E - Easiest Person To Talk to: My boyfriend Leo, Salman (check out his incredible blog!), Abi, Mairead, my cousin Jodie and myself.
F - Favourite Song: I have too many, but "Wake Up Alone" - Amy Winehouse
G - Grossest Memory: 
Walking into to a really dirty toilet (I won't go into details) in Istanbul. God - the smell - the sight!
H - Hometown: London town
I - In love with: my friends and family, blogging, my ambitions, The Affair (tv series)
J - Jealous Of: people who never feel homesick
K - Knowing that I'm growing up makes me feel: Normal
L - Longest Relationship: my current one 
M - Middle Name: Chelsie
N - Number of Siblings: 0
O - One Wish: That I can have and afford an amazing apartment in London
P - Person who you last called: Salman
Q - Question you’re always asked: “How old are you?” Because I look younger than my age
R - Reason to smile: 16 days until I'm back in the UK!
S - Song you last sang: A theme song to a tv series
T - Time you woke up: 10:20am
U - Underwear Colour: Light blue
V - Vacation Destination: I want to go to Jamaica again, with all my friends and family
W - Worst Habit: Sleeping in 
X - X-rays you’ve had: Teeth
Y - Your favourite food: Pasta, nachos, salt popcorn, sushi
Z - Zodiac Sign: Libra

I'd love to tag EVERYONE to do it too. Let's get to know each other! Comment below when you've done yours!