As many of you just know me as a blogger, I thought we'd get to know each other a bit more personally before you read my posts everyday for blogmas. So this is me. 26 answers doesn't sum me up in the slightest, but it's something.
A - Age: 21
B - Biggest Fear: Losing my creativity
C - Current Time: 18.26pm
D - Drink you last had: Water
E - Easiest Person To Talk to: My boyfriend Leo, Salman (check out his incredible blog!), Abi, Mairead, my cousin Jodie and myself.
F - Favourite Song: I have too many, but "Wake Up Alone" - Amy Winehouse
G - Grossest Memory:
Walking into to a really dirty toilet (I won't go into details) in Istanbul. God - the smell - the sight!
H - Hometown: London town
I - In love with: my friends and family, blogging, my ambitions, The Affair (tv series)
J - Jealous Of: people who never feel homesick
K - Knowing that I'm growing up makes me feel: Normal
L - Longest Relationship: my current one
M - Middle Name: Chelsie
N - Number of Siblings: 0
O - One Wish: That I can have and afford an amazing apartment in London
P - Person who you last called: Salman
Q - Question you’re always asked: “How old are you?” Because I look younger than my age
R - Reason to smile: 16 days until I'm back in the UK!
S - Song you last sang: A theme song to a tv series
T - Time you woke up: 10:20am
U - Underwear Colour: Light blue
V - Vacation Destination: I want to go to Jamaica again, with all my friends and family
W - Worst Habit: Sleeping in
X - X-rays you’ve had: Teeth
Y - Your favourite food: Pasta, nachos, salt popcorn, sushi
Z - Zodiac Sign: Libra
I'd love to tag EVERYONE to do it too. Let's get to know each other! Comment below when you've done yours!
I'd love to tag EVERYONE to do it too. Let's get to know each other! Comment below when you've done yours!