Kara Chelsie: October 2015

Moodboard for the Mood


Moodboard for the Mood

You can also find me on tumblr... www.karazza.tumblr.com - and I'll follow back.

I've got a few big posts to create, so in the mean time - here's some inspiration that I found last week on Tumblr.

I'm getting back into the swing of it. I find it the best platform to find inspiration. My sense of style is pretty strange, I follow blogs from 'soft grunge' to 'trap divas' to 'Stockholm streetsyle'. All kinds.

If you have a tumblr let me know and follow me, I'll definitely check yours out too.

Birthday Week of Food


Birthday Week of Food

Last week was my birthday week. Which inevitably means a week of food, good food, and amazing food. If you're not salivating by the end of this post then your taste buds are ruined. 

The Most Beautiful Poem You'll Ever Read


The Most Beautiful Poem You'll Ever Read

In the spirit of National Poetry Day I thought it would only be wise to post my favourite poem ever.

Carol Ann Duffy, our poet laureate, created a mesmerising tale of the intimate recollections of Shakespeare and his wife, Anne Hathaway. It is famously known that Shakespeare did not mention his wife, apart from stating that he'd leave her his 'second best bed' in the will. Lovely.

Scholars believed that Shakespeare did not love her, he found writing about his mistresses far more inspiring. Duffy interprets this thought by explaining, in the words of Hathaway, that this bed was actually their prized possession. This poem explores sensual emotions and devotion.

Duffy cleverly imitates Shakespeare's metaphorical language as if Hathaway was a great poet too.

There's so much to talk about why I love this poem, and it's not just about the pretty objects or dreamy places she writes about. There is a protruding imagery of sex but so subtly done. Damn Shakespeare, you beast.

My Maltese Experience... So Far


My Maltese Experience... So Far

I have successfully made it through my first week at University of Malta. I am a part of a study abroad program that is very popular for European students called Erasmus.

I am spending a semester miles away from home.

I was terribly anxious in the beginning. I didn't know what Malta would be like. Every day I would look at strangers #Malta photos on Insta to find a sense of what my new home entails. It looked pleasant. Sunny. Blue sea. An alluring Mediterranean mood. I smiled.