Change is Good: Crotchet Braids with Umona Hair


When it comes to change, I'm like a transformer.  I love new environments and breaking out of old habits. However, if it is something to do with changing my appearance, I'm very hesitant. 

I am so eager for the change that a new year brings that I have already made a new years resolutions list! 

I have mentioned countless times how I would like to alter my style to suit my current taste. It's not an overnight job to remove and replace clothes. So firstly I have to cultivate my ideas and research what style inspires me. Secondly, I have to get over the fear of trying something new. 

I think the doubt surfaces because I am frightened I won't like the new version and it will leave me back at step one. 

Before the year ends, I want to see if I could make at least one change to my appearance so when the ultimate style shift comes, it won't be so dramatic. 

I am all up for being experimental with style, but with my hair, I usually play it safe. 

I have been toying with the idea of having braids for my trip to Jamaica. I wanted a hairstyle that is easy to wear, easy to style every morning and works well with getting the hair out of my face. But I didn't want to have actual braids because I wanted an easily reversible hairstyle. 

I started YouTubing and Googling natural hairstyles best for the heat. This led me to discover crotchet braids! I heard about them before but I have only seen wavy or curly hair, not braids.

Crochet braids are not permanent so it is ideal for trying something new. These interlocking crochet braids are a quick and easy hair transformation. I actually installed them in myself! And I'm not the best at achieving flawless hairstyles but Umona's crochet braids were effortless to install. 

It took me just over an hour to achieve this look. In comparison, regular braids can take up to 6 hours to do, sometimes longer!

I had soooo many compliments with this hairstyle. Every day I had someone new asking 'what kind of braids are they?' or 'wow your braids look fantastic'. In fact, it was more than one person each day. 

It showed me that there could be better styles out there that suit you even more than your original one. 

If I never took the risk, I would never see a new beauty. If I went for regular braids and didn't like them, it would have been a nightmare to take them out and cost me a lot more money too.

Umona crotchet braids are very different from other brands. They know where the hair is sourced from and ensure it is high quality. For such an affordable price it is crazy good quality! You also get to choose a variety of different braid looks. You can even try faux locs that look very natural.

I figured, if I am hesitant to change my appearance, then styles that can be reversed is my go-to! 

I know changing your hairstyle isn't a major deal. But strangely it has confirmed that change is good. Something as trivial as this makes you want to see what else is better out there.