The Hair Edition: New Year, Old Me... But With Better Hair


Finally I have time to blog.

I'm currently studying at university and it's all been a bit hectic recently.

But I'm back on track now!

A new memory card for my camera is currently in the post, so there will be more photography up.

But firstly, before I mention anything else... Happy 2015 everyone! I'm six days late but I know everyone is still wishing each other 'happy new year' blessings.

January is the time when everyone is succeeding/failing their new year resolutions. The whole 'new year, new me' craze. Ask me what my new year resolutions are, they are probably still the same as last years. I'm happy with who I am, so why change?

...Despite that I do need to amp up the healthier meals at uni, I can't survive on breakfast bars and PomBears.

OK. So I say I don't what to change anything, but there's just one thing I wish to bring some newness to.

My hair.

We are all getting bored with the cliche ombre dip dye. It's the typical inspiring-fashionista style (sorry but not sorry to anyone who suits this description). Since I've had it before, I kinda miss it. I miss how just my hair can brighten any dull outfit. It made my non-planned outfits look like I belonged on Stockholm Streetstyle.

I'm bringing it back this year. But with sophistication. I'm twenty now, not seventeen. I'm thinking more of a balayage ombre. Balayage means hand painted; more like ombre highlights than dip dye.

I'm gonna do it! And do it myself too. It's risky, but I see myself as a fairly skilled self taught (by the YouTube) hairstylist.

Here's my inspo. Only realising my Pinterest hairspo is looking like a Khloe Kardashian appreciation page:

This one is my ultimate inspo

What do we think? Lovin' or hatin' ?