The Photography Issue: New Photography Blog


I'd have to admit that I get bored very easily. Too easily. When I find something new, inventive and stimulating, three weeks later guaranteed I'll get bored of it. Maybe I have ADHD, or perhaps it's the simple mind of a twenty year old living in the ever-changing 21st century.

But on a brighter side I believe it's a part of my personality of liking change. 

Anyway, let's relate this characteristic of mine to the title of this blog post. 

I received a wonderful Nikon D3100 Digital SLR Camera three years ago. I don't want to say I became bored of it, it's more of I didn't know how to use it. I experimented, got a few pretty and many crap photos. I prefer the trial and error method, rather than reading a dull black and white 'how to' guide. However I realised to achieve the maximum excellence of this camera, I actually do need to read these guides - and somehow find a way from getting bored. 

Where I'm living at the moment isn't the loveliest places in England. But this shouldn't stop me from practising! No siree! 

I solemnly swear, for this up-and-coming blog, that I will show my progressing work. 

I'll post some snaps on here, but I also have a new Tumblr blog dedicated to just photography. 

Anyone want a cheeky sneaky quick peak of what's to come?

These are my favourite snaps from my trip to Cuba, 2013. 

There's a bigger blog post on my older blog if you want to read and see more.