The Addiction Issue: My Confession


I have a confession.

I am an addict.

It all started under two months ago.

Someone told me it was the greatest thing to do at the moment.

And everyone is doing it.

They said when you're bored, you can do it to pass the time.

I knew that I became addicted when I didn't solely do it when I was bored. I did it all the time.

I'm actually quite embarrassed to tell everyone. But I want you to know that it'll all be alright.

My name is Kara, and I'm a Kim Kardashian: Hollywood App addict.

Our Kimmy is making a hack load of cash from this free app. It's now worth a mighty $200m, with over 22 million devoted players.

I'm not the type to store games on my phone. My little cousins have finally realised that they cannot ask me, 'please may I play on your phone?'

Because Kara Don't Play Games.

And this enticing app is more than a game. It is a virtual lifestyle. I've created lil' mini celeb me. I've purchased a stunning wardrobe, played around with adorable hairstyles and attempted to receive a killer 5 star for every task I do. I started from the bottom, and now imma on the A-List.

I don't really know why I still play this game. I'm getting sick of re-using the hairstyles, and every update that brings out new clothes you have to use your terribly valuable K-stars. It's becomes boring when the tasks lasts for 8 or more hours, and when your clingy date/boyfriend/husband keeps on belling you up saying that he misses you.

Despite this, I'm still playing it. And I can't stop.

My new goal is too get tons of K-stars to buy new shoes and clothes. Then after I accomplish that? I want to get the highest possible level. And then after I win that? Maybe find a new game (I hear Lindsay Lohan has a new celebrity game).

But before you judge me any further, just have a look at my cute outfits.

My NYE fab outfit:

Me on my wedding day when I married Dirk Diamonds:

On da beach for my honeymoon in Mexico:

Just strutting the streets of Beverly Hills:

Me hearing that my nemesis Willow Pape is chatting crap about me:

Just repping that band tee:

Come and get me papz:

 Me and my cousin (my actual cousin) killing that perfomance:

Partying with my other Kardash gal pals. Khloe looks gorgeous:

And this is me now. Gone for a slightly lighter hair colour. Look at all those K-Stars! #ballin':