Kara Chelsie: January 2015

Serious Issue: What Do You Say?


Serious Issue: What Do You Say?
*Beware: May contains photos of no make-up. A serious question time. On Wednesday was the first time in a while that I managed to crawl out of bed 40mins before I needed to leave for lectures (thank you to everyone who clapped). Generally I give it 20mins. Run into the shower and spin into any...

The Photography Issue: New Photography Blog


The Photography Issue: New Photography Blog
I'd have to admit that I get bored very easily. Too easily. When I find something new, inventive and stimulating, three weeks later guaranteed I'll get bored of it. Maybe I have ADHD, or perhaps it's the simple mind of a twenty year old living in the ever-changing 21st century. But on a brighter side...

The Addiction Issue: My Confession


The Addiction Issue: My Confession
I have a confession. I am an addict. It all started under two months ago. Someone told me it was the greatest thing to do at the moment. And everyone is doing it. They said when you're bored, you can do it to pass the time. I knew that I became addicted when I didn't solely do it when I was bored....

The Hair Edition: New Year, Old Me... But With Better Hair


The Hair Edition: New Year, Old Me... But With Better Hair
Finally I have time to blog. I'm currently studying at university and it's all been a bit hectic recently. But I'm back on track now! A new memory card for my camera is currently in the post, so there will be more photography up. But firstly, before I mention anything else... Happy 2015 everyone!...