Trends of 2018: The Power Of Purple


I'm trying my hardest not to make this preachy. I'm trying to not use cliched metaphors and quotes like 'live colourfully' or 'be a rainbow'.

I find it hard to see colour in the first few months of the year. The sky is too dark and the trees are still bare. Everyone seems to be 'chasing their dreams' or starting the year on a bright note.

I wouldn't say I'm in a dark place. But life has been, dare I say, colourless (Sorry! I can't stop these puns).

It's been grey like the London sky. But grey isn't so bad. It's actually calming and safe.

Calming and safe is boring.

So, this is what brings me to the importance of colour.

These photos were taken at 9am on a Saturday in a 2 degrees celsius windy weather. I am so thankful for Stacey because she agreed to take photos of me at that horrendous time and weather.

I woke up so much earlier than I usually would on a Saturday. But I strangely wasn't tired. I didn't drag myself out of bed because I realised I was doing something fun. It was a reason to roll out of bed rather than roll over to find my phone.

I thought by the time we've finished shooting this, I'll go back to bed. But I didn't go back to bed. I went out for brunch with my friend. Actual brunch. At the actual time you can call it brunch.

I started my day off on a high and it continued.

Call me misled or fickle. Could wearing colours be an aid to my high energy? Yeah, I said it. What I was wearing made me feel brighter and happier.

Apart from trying to make us buy more, there is a solid reason why fashion trends highlight 'the colour of the season'. Think about it. Black is rarely (or ever?) the colour of the season. That's so plain. Wearing black all the time isn't inspiring.

Purple - the colour to watch this season - is the older sibling of cheerful pink. It's practical, mature but fun. Lilac especially. These trousers are actually more lilac in person. Purple hues remind me of creativity and wisdom.

Hey, didn't Pantone say UltraViolet is the colour of 2018? They described it as "dramatically provocative and thoughtful" and a "visionary thinking that points us toward the future." With that being said our whole society needs some purple!

We don't need to dress like we're going to a funeral every day. Isn't it interesting that more families are asking guests not to wear black to funerals nowadays? It shows that dark colours dampen our mood.

To brighten up our lives we must brighten our clothing.

To really feel the power of purple, replicate an office outfit but with more edge. I'd suggest wearing wide trousers along with a long coat and grubby trainers to make it more street style. It made me feel more sophisticated but quirky. Last year's trend colour, pink, seemed quite juvenile. So say goodbye to millennial pink, and try granny lavender. Forget fifty shades of grey, you'll be surprised how many shades of purple there are.

Trends like these excite me. It challenges me to step out and be innovative.

OK - it may have been the coffee that I sipped whilst shooting with Stacey that gave me a lot of energy. BUT never underestimate the power of colour!

I want to do some more trends I've noticed and loved, so make sure you're keeping up to date with my blog via my socials!

Earrings - Missguided
Jumper - Nasty Gal
Trousers - Nasty Gal
Coat - Zara