Films Similar to Black Mirror


So you’ve binged watched all of the Black Mirror episodes. Sad it’s over? Or are you sad because the latest season wasn’t as good as the first Channel 4 production ones? OK, the latter is just me.

Black Mirror TV series is one of my favourites. It’s original, frightening and thought-provoking. The scenarios are gripping and tense. Watching the series on your tablet or laptop is not enough. You have to watch it on a high dynamic range television that is beautifully bright and has a high colourful display. It’ll truly make you really feel like you’re in their reality.

Each episode is a conversation starter; questioning if technology would ever destroy our lives similar to what Charlie Brooker creates. But to me, Black Mirror isn't about the future. It feels like everything is happening already. 

How many Instagram users confess they have major self-esteem issues? How many of us are addicted to our phones? How many CCTV footage films us on a 20-minute walk? And what the hell would we do without digital storage? Surely our memories couldn’t hold all of that information!

Black Mirror’s hidden messages are reflections of our reality. We shouldn't rely on technology so heavily and never question its effects.

But it’s not just the hidden messages that I adore. It’s the twists. Oooooh the feeling when a plot turns upside makes me shiver with excitement. That’s what makes Black Mirror so popular!

Writing this is making me want to re-re-watch my favourite episodes. Or even watch some films that I find similar to it.

If you also can’t get enough of Black Mirror I highly recommend these films! They either contain the best plot twists or they highlight damaging issues of technology. Let me know in the comments if you’ve seen any! There are so many films to choose from but these are my favourite!


Definitely in my top ten of favourite films. My friends are probably sick of me mentioning this once again. It’s Wes Anderson meets Sophia Coppola meets J.J Abrams. The beautiful and vibrant imagery, alongside the melancholy romance, alongside the futuristic environment, is everything I love. The story presents a guy falling in love with his OS (operating system). Yep, it's like having a major crush on Siri. It’s so Black Mirror, but also reminds me of MTV Catfish! Think about it, falling in love with someone via the internet when you’ve never met them in person! So Catfishy.

Watch this if you liked: Be Right Back, Nosedive.

The Island

I think this film is pretty underrated. It’s so gripping! One of the films I wish I could have imagined for my creative writing dissertation. I find it very similar to Black Mirror. Brilliant twists and highlights the danger of technology.

Watch this if you liked: Hang the DJ, USS Callister, Fifteen Million Credits, White Bear, San Junipero.


Correction. THIS is soooo underrated and I WISH I could come up with something mesmerising and thrilling as this. I sympathised with the characters. It’s dark and beautiful at the same time. However, the time-travelling can be a bit confusing for some. I find it much more interesting than other action/sci-fi films out now.

Watch this if you liked: Men Against Fire, Crocodile.

The Prestige

This one is more fantasy than sci-fi. But the themes and plot lines (as well as the incredible ending!) are quite similar to Black Mirror. If Charlie Brooker came up with an episode set in the 19th century maybe he’d think of something similar to this! The ending of The Prestige is one of those creepy ones that you will always remember. I would love to rewatch this like how I did for the first time; unsure on what was happening, but just sat there enchanted.

Watch this if you liked: Black Museum, Play Test, White Christmas, The National Anthem

Gone Girl

Ooooo. Another creepy one. Not scary, but twisted. Twists in the plot and twisted characters. A true thriller. I was obsessed with this film and novel. You will love and hate (at the same time) certain characters. They are so dynamic and original. If you haven’t seen this, I honestly don’t know where you’ve been!

Watch this if you liked: Shut Up and Dance, Hated in the Nation, White Christmas, The Entire History of You.


It’s confusing from the start. That’s because the start isn’t really the beginning. You’ve just watched the end. Yep! You’ve watched how the story ends but you have no clue how or why it ended that way. Well, you think you may know... but you don’t. Don’t you just love a good ole plot twist!

Watch this if you liked: Crocodile, White Bear.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

And now something a bit more light-hearted and romantic. However, this is a blog post about films similar to Black Mirror so obviously it has dark elements to it. I’m so in the mood to watch this tonight. It’s so lovely. Makes you have hope in love, although, in a very unconventional way. This is also my favourite performance of Jim Carey.

Watch this if you liked: Hang the DJ, San Junipero, White Christmas, Be Right Back, The Entire History of You.


So... this film list similar to Black Mirror should keep you entertained until you find a new series to binge!

Let me know which one of these films is your favourite too!

And also, what’s your favourite Black Mirror episode?

Mine is The Entire History of You. 

Strong contenders are White Bear, White Christmas, Hang the DJ, USS Callister, Shut Up and Dance, Nosedive and Metalhead.

*This post has been sponsored by Panasonic