I Got It From My Mumma


It's great when you have a mother who loved to shop in the iconic fashion decades. 80s/90s fashion is so current today, and many styles have been revised for us to enjoy.

When I used to shop with my mum, nearly every item I'd pick up, she would say, 'Kara! Haha! I used to wear that in the 80s!' or 'Kara! Don't buy that, I've saved something similar for you!' And she was right. On many occasions I've put down that item, then later she'd go scooping at the back of her wardrobe.

Some may call it hoarding, I call it save it for when it's back in fashion!

Denim is a classic, especially when it's vintage Levi's. Yes, ALL denim pieces are Levi's originals. I know there are girls out there who won't think it's cool to wear something so old, worn or what your mum used to wear.

Think of it as contributing to a greener society. Instead of chucking it away, up-cycle!

So thank you mum, I know you'll be reading this!

Thank you for teaching me everything valuable in life, and always being an inspiration for me. And thank you for passing on fantastic clothes!