Budget British Music Festivals


This is the time to start thinking about summer plans. And you've probably already started. It's constantly on our minds when we're battling with these grey and windy days.

There's a big list of festivals, every year it gets bigger and bigger. It's fantastic that we have so many choices. But which one do we choose?!

Is £200, just for the tickets, worth a long weekend of sleeping on the floor and dirty porto-loo situations?

I've struggled each year deciding which festival should I splash the cash on. But I never regret the festival I go with. Although I wish I had the option to go to two or possibly three festivals in the summer!

And I think there's a way to make this wish become reality.

So forget your beloved Glasto or Bestival, or any costly festival. 2016 is the year of saving!

*These weekends festivals are ones you either camp or day festivals that you can do two days at. I'll be doing just day festivals soon!



It was after this festival that made me realise that you don't need to spend your savings to have an awesome weekend. Located in the middle of Essex countryside, you find yourself surrounded by... underage kids. This can be the downside of cheaper music festivals because this means that the school kids can afford too. I'm only 21, but when you're surrounded by kids who are experiencing their first weekend away from their parents, it makes you feel a bit older (sorry to sound like a grumpy gut! Granny Kara).

Nevertheless! This won't destroy your festival!

The great thing about Brownstock is the brilliant line-up for such a cheap ticket. You're bound to see acts that you know and love! Or fresh-faced unsigned acts to discover. And it's all good vibes in the crowd.

It's not a large festival either, so you won't have to take that long stroll from your tent to the main arena. I've heard about that Glastonbury trek from the campsite to the stage. Sounds awful!

The price of drinks and food is pretty reasonable, and many options to select from. You can even pay by card at most stalls (is it just me who likes this?).

If you're good at recovering from the night before, then there's plenty of things to do in the day, such live stand-up comedian sessions and acoustic music acts play to soothe your hangover.



A Welsh and award-winning festival. A little magical realm, playing underground electronic music in a fairytale environment. This is the first time I've heard about this, and looking at the website - I'm very keen to go. However, tickets have gone up to £140 now being in it's final tier, so it must be a popular one, as it started at £85 for 'super early bird'.  Sites say it is VERY intimate and the crowd looks incredibly hipster. Bum bags and glitter at the ready! You probably wouldn't want to go back to reality.




Currently questioning when I should buy my ticket. This festival has an even bigger line-up, but the downside (for me) - there's no campsite. However people say that there's plenty of places to book hotels at.

This is for the shufflers and techno lovers. The bass line junkies and the indie kids.

I've only heard about great things about Parklife. Located in Manchester, the festival goers are pretty edgy. Will it be more of a fashion show than a festival? My advice, plan your outfits before, but don't go overboard. Extremely casual whilst being super stylish is the dress code. Another hipster fest, round glasses and denim shorts on standby please!




The description is in the name. Blissfields has been award for the 'best small festival' and nominated for 'best family festival'. This close to Winchester festival will guarantee to be an ultra-chilled haven for any type of music lovers. You can watch late night films out in the open, or dig into street food. I've just read that they do 'slumber parties' too. CUTE!



When a festival promotes that they have a theme, it gets me super excited. Too excited. I love it when festivals encourage dressing-up because it acts as a true escape from reality. This boutique, family-friendly and unsponsored festival will be the highlight of a superb laid-back summer. Think humid nights, gazing at the stars out in the open fields - with a beer always in your hand. Always.
