DAY IN THE LIFE: Selfridges & Window Shopping


It's always joy catching up with a friend. We buy one coffee, but stay for two hours in the cafe.

 There's so much to talk about when you have a great friend who is passionate about the exact same things.


I realised it has been some time since I stepped inside Selfridges. Everything has moved and aisles seem more like a maze.

So many memories of my mum and me strolling down the make up counters, designer bags and the toy section. 
Obviously as a child I didn't know much about make up, but I knew that it was very serious and special to women. I remember I wanted to work at MAC, because the make-up artists painted their eyes and lips wildly and boldly. To me now, that just seems like an exhausting job.

Many years on I still gaze at the unaffordable items spread across the department. 

I thought to myself, will I ever be able to afford the expensive items here?

Will I ever treat myself to a lace Valentino dress?

Will I ever think, "ah for dinner I'll pop to Selfridge's extravagant food hall and also do a weekly shop there!"

"This Creme De La Mer moisturiser, yes I need this, not too expensive! Not bad, not bad."

Because all those things sound terrifically pricey to me. Almost a waste, because there are cheaper products and produce out there. I know, a dress is not just a dress if it's Valentino. Nor is a moisturiser from Creme De La Mer. 

But will I ever be able to afford these luxury items as a casual pick-up and not a splurge?

And what do the passersby think? Do they think the same? Do they wonder like me, could I ever afford this? Or do they snatch the price tag, mouth out 'wow...ok..' and walk away?