Is it Still Fashionable to Follow Fashion Trends?


Second blog post of the year, not bad Kara, not too bad. Sorry, I promise I won't start of every post stating how many I've done so far.

It's been a while since my last fashion blog post. I love doing them a lot, I need to continue it! Hooowever, the photographs were shot in September. I've been too lazy busy and frankly a bit nervous to show the interweb this post! As it was shot in autumn, I must reiterate I don't wear dresses in winter (even thick tights can't stop the breeze) and my jackets are 100x bigger and puffer than this denim one!

So, let's have a chat about the title of this post!

Your immediate answer will be, yes. Fashionable obviously means to keep up to date with trends.

However, I've been thinking differently lately.

I wore the most-loved hat for the winter. Alongside the undoubtedly stylish (and flattering) straight neckline. As well as the U.K's most Instagrammed fashion item - the metallic shoes.

I was pretty chuffed with my assembled outfit. But I still felt like, this has been done before. This doesn't feel authentic.

I've seen a few too many celebrities wear 90s denim jackets and a little black dress. How many fashion bloggers style every outfit with a beret? And ankle boots, when will freaking ankle boots ever go out of style? (Well, hopefully never because that's all I own!)

Every item I wore in this post is in style. Take a look at all the magazines and blogs. Other girls will be dressed like me. I love this outfit, it's cute, and I'll wear it again. But is it fashionable?

Is it something I'd wear to meet up with friends for Friday night drinks? Yes.

Is it something I'd wear to attend an Alexander Wang show at New York Fashion Week (if I had the chance)? Probably not. It's not groundbreaking. It may catch a few glances at but it's not trend-setting.

To me, when I say someone is fashionable, I generally mean they compile clothing in a creative and original way. I used to believe fashionable means following current styles. But the style icons I follow experiment instead of replicate. They stop reading the "must-haves" and the "got-to-buys" lust list.

If fashion is a form of artistic expression, then surely it's more fashionable to create something that deviates from the norm?

For instance, remember when Rihanna started wearing those furry sliders? Our first impressions were “they are disgustingly cool”. It was unique and daring - so fashion darling. But now, they are pretty normal to see. They are still in style, but it’s ‘done before’.

So following fashion trends isn’t really fashionable anymore?

Don't get me wrong. I haven't just done this blog post to criticise myself! I love this outfit, and I hope you do too. But maybe I'd say this is more trendy than fashionable. Yes - that's probably it, trendy because it follows trends.

But alsoooo, don't get me wrong again. I will still wear items that are overused. I love my beret and can't leave the house without it! I'm on the hunt for a pair of red suede or black leather ankle boots, I have found a few pairs on River Island. And this dress won't be my only straight neckline item because Urban Outfitters always smash that 90s casual style.

To answer my own question, because I love to talk to myself, I think it's not really fashionable to follow current styles and imitate what everyone else is wearing. I think a real fashion icon would create something new, or take an alternative twist on a popular trend.

What're everyone else's ideas?


Photography by the brilliant Yossy (blogger & photographer)

Beret, Earrings - Forever 21

Denim Jacket - Gap (from the 90s, gotta it from my mama)

Dress - Urban Outfitters

Boots - Mango

Rings - & Other Stories

Cross Necklace - From The Vatican gift shop, yes, the actual Vatican.