Kara Chelsie: January 2018

Is it Still Fashionable to Follow Fashion Trends?


Is it Still Fashionable to Follow Fashion Trends?
Second blog post of the year, not bad Kara, not too bad. Sorry, I promise I won't start of every post stating how many I've done so far. It's been a while since my last fashion blog post. I love doing them a lot, I need to continue it! Hooowever, the photographs were shot in September. I've...

My Favourite TV Series of 2017

My Favourite TV Series of 2017
Hello hello! My first blog post of 2018.  But this post won't be about my hopes and wishes for the new year. I'm sure you've read a few of those this month. Frankly, I don't have any resolutions this year. My aspirations and goals remain the same as the year before. In 2017 I watched great...