A few weeks back I was listening to the High Low podcast (click here to read more of my favourite podcasts!). Dolly Alderton convinced us that she has a friend who was born at the age of 40 years old. She explained throughout their friendship her bestie has always had a very mature taste and is mocked for being a granny.
This made me wonder about my age.
My most frequent emojis on my phone are: pink heart with those yellow diamonds, love heart eyes face, rolling eyes face, unamused face, lightning bolt, the shooting/swirly star and grandma emoji.
The grandma emoji is my favourite representation of myself. It's the one I put next to "sorry I didn't reply, I fell asleep," text.
I'm 22 years old. And that's certain. Sorry if the title was a bit of a clickbait, my passport and birth certificate all confirmed that I was born in 1994.
I'm just pondering - what age do I act like?
I get told that I look like I'm about 16-19 years old. Sometimes even 14, but I'm not quite sure if they are over-exaggerating. I try so hard not to flare my nostrils when people say, "22? But you look like a baby!" The other day my spinning instructor guessed I was about 21 years old. I wanted to hug her, but I resisted, I was drenched in sweat. Also, that would be weird to hug someone because they nearly guessed your age correctly.
I assure myself that looking young is a good thing. It's okay because I'll look 28 when I'm actually 48. It's okay because I'm sure Selena Gomez gets this all time. And it's okay that I get ID for buying alcohol or lottery tickets (FYI you have to be 16 to buy them).
But when it comes down to my personality. I'm pretty sure I'm not 22.
Things I like to do that a normal 22-year-old wouldn't:
- Drink Gin - So it's becoming a popular beverage lately. But I'm pretty sure it was only me asking for a double gin and tonic at the student club, whilst Pitbull and David Guetta played in the background.
- Watching Location, Location, Location - When I was young I absolutely remember moaning to my parents about how boring it was. Over a decade later I find myself addicted. Most people binge watch Game of Thrones, Friends or Narcos. Mine is Phil and Kirstie working their magic on finding people's dream properties.
- DISCO DISCO DISCO - My current music genre obsession is D-I-S-C-O. I found myself blasting "Yes Sir, I Can Boogie" at the gym to get me pumped this week.
- Cancelled Plans - "Sorry Kara, I can't make it anymore tonight!" is music to my ears.
- Not Completely Understanding How Tinder Works - So once you've swiped 'no' they are gone forever? And why doesn't anyone browse through all of their photos, one picture will suffice?
- In A Long Term Relationship - Not sure if this is a mature thing about my life, but we act like a married couple.
- In Love With The Countryside - I can picture myself living miles away from everyone else. I wouldn't want to spend my entire life like that, but I would like to be surrounded by nature and silence.
- Obsession With Plants - I have 9 babies in my room (my plants are my children and yes, I name them). That's just in my room. I have managed to plot some other younguns around the house. Replotting plants and buying pots give me goosebumps. I'm always on the look out for more to add to my collection. I aspire to have a house like Kate's from Tribe And Us. I'm definitely going to do a blog post on the type of plants I have already.
- Pub Sessions - A night at the pub would be more amusing if I could afford more than two pints. I end up hugging on to each glass, slowly sipping the warm brew.
- Sleeping Before 12am - *INSERT GRANNY EMOJI* But honestly, try it out for a week. You'll feel sooo much better. I'm actually a 'morning person', but how would I have known if I woke up just before midday all the time?
- Going On Pointless Walks - Talking and walking... the best kind of conversations.
- I Get Cold Easily - Pass the cardigan! You'll find scarfs and hats in my bag, whatever the weather.
- Adore Everything Vintage - cars, films, fashion... you name it! My family have known that for years. Anything in an archaic style they say "Kara would like that!"
- My mindset - If you didn't get the memo already I am genuinely a mature person. The best advice I have received is from people older than me. I tend not to worry about the future because I know I'm in my prime time and everything is going to be ok.
What age would you think I was if you just read those bullet points? I'd say over 40 years old!
Hope you enjoyed this little getting to know me post. If you had to ponder on your actual age or the age of your personality, what would your number be?

Top, Necklace - Mango
Skirt - Zara
Boots - Marks & Spencer