Kara Chelsie: 2016

DATE NIGHT / Jekyll & Hyde Birmingham Review


DATE NIGHT / Jekyll & Hyde Birmingham Review
Let me start by saying this is my second time at Jekyll & Hyde, Birmingham.  Yeah. It's that good. I needed more. I knew from my first encounter, it wouldn't be my last visit.  From the candlelit rooms to the helpful gin enthusiast staff, fall down the rabbit hole...

OOTD: I'm not always comfortable in front of a camera


OOTD: I'm not always comfortable in front of a camera
Ah autumn. Back to university. I'm currently positioned at my desk. The cheap dark wooden table by the window, that I have now disguised its blandness with a self-adhesive marble sheet. Gotta add a bit of luxe to student digs, youknowwhatimsaying? I think this...

I've been stopping myself from doing the things I love


I've been stopping myself from doing the things I love
Today, let's mark this date. I've realised what's been holding me back from releasing my creativity to the world. 1. I know what I want to do but I don't know where to begin. 2. I'm afraid that the way I do it, won't be the best way. 3. If I create something, I feel embarrassed to show it....

Giving the sun the cold shoulder

Giving the sun the cold shoulder
I'm constantly scrolling down my Instagram. Why do all my friends decide to go on holiday at the same time? Is there a secret whatsapp group that they've created to plan how to make me feel super jealous? I think so, I truly think so. BUT no woes, because the sun is super shining and I'm sweating...

A spring into summer at Mersea Island, Essex


A spring into summer at Mersea Island, Essex
Today feels like my first day of summer. The weather is saying that it refuses to get any higher than 24 degrees and the wind is holding onto its arctic flow.  It feels like the first day of summer because now I have finished my internship and I'm ready for summer!  I'm ready to...