Kara Chelsie: November 2014

The Outfit Issue: Knot and Wrap Up for Winter


The Outfit Issue: Knot and Wrap Up for Winter
This dress. Is the dress. The dress you instantly know that it will suit any occasion. Sophisticated enough to be formal, but a real beauty to show off certain assets. The grey compliments our frosty British winter, and paired with a gold necklace will bring a bit of colour back. I would also pair...

Sunday Inspiration Issue: Kylie Jenner


Sunday Inspiration Issue: Kylie Jenner
Let's talk about fashion's newcomer. Daughter of an olympian, sister to the next supermodel. Kylie was born to be in the spotlight. Her style is my favourite at the moment and my absolute favourite look out of the Jenner/Kardashian bundle. I'm not too bothered about who she's dating or who's her best...

The Home Edition Issue: Evergreen


The Home Edition Issue: Evergreen
When I first moved into my new room at the start of university, something seemed very off.  White walls... I can live with that, greyish brown rugged carpet... my feet will cope, vertical blinds... not the best but at least I can get the sun peering through in the mornings.  Once...

The Celeb Issue: Will The Kimye Obsession Ever Die Down?


The Celeb Issue: Will The Kimye Obsession Ever Die Down?
Kim Kardashian is breaking the internet. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, you name it. Her double glazed doughnut derrière is the hot topic right now. It's just egging on Tumblr folks to create as many memes and parodies as possible. But her 'is it real or not' arse it's worrying me. It's her handbag....

The Home Edition Issue: All Things Come In Little Packages


The Home Edition Issue: All Things Come In Little Packages
As a born and bred Londoner, who stubbornly thinks that there is no other city better than London, I have now accepted the fact that when it is my time to leave the nest - I will undoubtedly not be able to afford any sort of dwelling in my perfect home town. A North London 200 square feet home has...