Kara Chelsie: April 2018

Trends of 2018: Polka Dots


Trends of 2018: Polka Dots
You guys will start believing that I follow trends now. Honestly, this is probably the first season that I've followed. Maybe because I'm starting to blog more and I'm looking out for trends. But I'm generally agreeing with what's being considered as the must-haves.  I love it when new...

Skiing in Bulgaria: Bansko Travel Guide

Skiing in Bulgaria: Bansko Travel Guide
Sorry, everyone. Yes - I'm one of those Instagrammers who gloated about their recent winter break. Apres ski, snowy mountainous landscape and going to a country that can actually handle snow. Yeah, Britain - I'm talking about you. I spent the first week of March swish swishing away on the slopes...