Kara Chelsie: August 2017

Beware of the Two-Faced Millennials


Beware of the Two-Faced Millennials
I watched The Life of Kylie (Jenner) last week. I'm not a big fan of hers or her sister, but I was in the mood to be bitchy. I admit I wanted to have a lil moan in order to make myself feel better. She'll never know that I think she's boring or fake but it makes me feel soooo good screaming at...

What Elizabeth Gilbert's 'Big Magic' Taught Me


What Elizabeth Gilbert's 'Big Magic' Taught Me
This probably isn't the first blog post you've read about Elizabeth Gilbert's 'Big Magic'. I call it the blogger hand book, as it gets creative thinkers out of the funk. But 'Big Magic' isn't only for people who label themselves as gifted. It is a guide to think creatively. Gilbert teaches you...