Kara Chelsie: May 2017

What I Truly Want To Do After University


What I Truly Want To Do After University
It's been a while since you've heard about my thoughts. I've gotten up to so much recently and I realised I've been putting off answering the big questions in my life. Roughly, 3 to 5 people a week ask me what do I want to do now that I have finished university. It's an appropriate question. I...

DATE NIGHT / Kimchee, Pancras Square


DATE NIGHT / Kimchee, Pancras Square
So you've tried Chinese, Japanese, Thai and maybe a bit of Vietnamese. But have you experienced Korean food yet? If the answer is no. Don't google any other Korean restaurants. Because I have the joint for you. Kimchee. A Korean restaurant situated in Holborn and St.Pancras/King's Cross. What...