Kara Chelsie: 2017

Getting into the Xmas Spirit (Forcefully)


Getting into the Xmas Spirit (Forcefully)
Two months since my last post. Shambles. Utter shambles. My bad excuses are that I’ve been on holiday for two weeks, I’ve graduated from university, been working in temp jobs but honestly my lack of creativity has reached an all time low. I was just getting into the swing of creating more...

Drinky Poos: Favourite London Bars


Drinky Poos: Favourite London Bars
Hello everyone! It’s been a while, but I’m back with a mouth-watering blog post! I’ve just started working full-time so finding inspiration and the energy to blog has been quite difficult. I also had a birthday! That was fun. Actually, probably one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had. Just...